CSIP: PRELIMS BOOSTER SERIES – 273 International Relations
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces
NATO allies have condemned Russia’s decision to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), a crucial post-Cold War agreement that limited certain categories of conventional armed forces.
Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE)
The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) is an arms control treaty that was signed in 1990 by 22 states from Europe and North America. The treaty establishes comprehensive limits on key categories of conventional military equipment in Europe (from the Atlantic to the Urals) and mandates the destruction of excess weaponry. The treaty proposed equal limits for the two “groups of states-parties”, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact.
- The CFE Treaty was a major accomplishment of the Cold War era, as it helped to reduce the risk of a large-scale conventional war in Europe.
- The treaty has also been credited with helping to promote transparency and cooperation between the former Cold War rivals.
- The CFE Treaty has been criticized for its lack of flexibility and its failure to address new security challenges in Europe.
- The treaty was adapted in 1999 to reflect the changes in European security following the collapse of the Soviet Union, but it remains unclear whether the treaty is still relevant in the 21st century.
Here are some of the key provisions of the CFE Treaty:
- National ceilings on key categories of conventional military equipment, such as tanks, artillery, armored combat vehicles, combat aircraft, and attack helicopters.
- Mandate for the destruction of excess weaponry.
- Information exchange requirements to promote transparency and confidence-building.
- On-site inspection provisions to verify compliance with the treaty.
The CFE Treaty has been implemented through a series of confidence-building measures, such as notifications about military exercises and inspections of military facilities. These measures have helped to reduce tensions and build trust between the former Cold War rivals.
Despite these challenges, the CFE Treaty remains an important arms control agreement. The treaty has helped to reduce the risk of war in Europe, and it has established a framework for cooperation on security issues.