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Why in news:  Researchers from the Indian Institute of Science’s molecular biophysics unit have conducted a study revealing that peptides derived from the skin of Budgett’s frog possess the ability to combat enzymes produced by disease-causing pathogens.

  • The frog’s skin secretions contain LL-TIL, a specific peptide studied by the researchers.
  • LL-TILwas found to inhibit two key enzymes, subtilisin carlsberg and proteinase K, which are produced by pathogens and play a crucial role in promoting infections by breaking down specific protective proteins in the host.

The study provides insights into the inhibitory action of the frog-derived peptide, offering a potential framework for developing specific and potent inhibitors against various pathogenic enzymes.

About Budgett’s frog:

 Budgett’s frog (Lepidobatrachus laevis) is a species of frog in the horned frog family, Ceratophryidae.

Size: They can grow to be 4–5 in (10–13 cm) in size, with females being larger than males.

Habitat: Their natural habitat is the semiarid Gran Chaco region of South America.