CSIP: PRELIMS BOOSTER SERIES-353 International Agreements


Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)


The UDHR, marking its 75th anniversary, remains a foundational document in the quest for global human rights and dignity.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a landmark document in the history of human rights. Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, it enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms to which all human beings are entitled, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, religion, or any other status.


  • The UDHR is a non-binding document, but it has had a profound impact on the development of international human rights law. It has been incorporated into the constitutions of many countries and has served as a model for numerous international treaties.
  • The UDHR is divided into 30 articles, which cover a wide range of human rights, including:
  • Civil and political rights: The right to life, liberty, and security; the right to freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment; the right to freedom of expression, assembly, and association; the right to vote and stand for election; and the right to a fair trial.
  • Economic, social, and cultural rights: The right to work; the right to education; the right to an adequate standard of living; the right to health care; and the right to participate in cultural life.
  • Collective rights: The right to self-determination; the right to development; and the right to peace.

Some Interesting Facts

  • It was drafted by a committee of representatives from 18 countries, including Eleanor Roosevelt of the United States.
  • It was adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948, with 48 votes in favor, 0 against, and 8 abstentions.
  • It has been translated into more than 500 languages.
  • It is celebrated every year on December 10th, which is International Human Rights Day.

The UDHR is a powerful tool for promoting and protecting human rights around the world. It is a reminder that we all have a responsibility to stand up for the rights of others and to create a world where everyone can live freely and with dignity.