


On December 10, a significant cultural milestone unfolded in the French town of Cergy with the inauguration of a statue dedicated to Thiruvalluvar, a revered cultural icon among Tamilians. 

Thiruvalluvar (commonly referred to as Valluvar) is a revered figure in Tamil culture. Though much of his life remains shrouded in mystery, his contributions to Tamil literature and philosophy are undeniable.

Literature Works

He is best known for his magnum opus, the Tirukkural, a collection of 1,330 couplets divided into three sections: Aram (Virtue), Porul (Wealth), and Inbam (Love).


  • Aram: This section delves into ethical principles, righteous conduct, and the pursuit of virtue. It covers topics like non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness, gratitude, forgiveness, and self-discipline.
  • Porul: This section focuses on governance, statecraft, economics, and social justice. It offers insights into leadership, efficient administration, the importance of agriculture and trade, and the responsibilities of citizens.
  • Inbam: This section explores love in its various forms, including marital love, friendship, and divine love. It emphasizes the importance of harmonious relationships, fidelity, and emotional well-being.

The Tirukkural is considered a masterpiece of Tamil literature, admired for its profound wisdom, concise language, and poetic beauty. It has been translated into numerous languages and continues to inspire readers and scholars around the world.

Beyond the Tirukkural, Thiruvalluvar’s legacy lives on in various ways:

  • His teachings are interwoven into Tamil culture, influencing social values, customs, and artistic expressions.
  • His statue, the iconic Valluvar Kottam, stands tall on the Kanniyakumari beach, a popular tourist destination in Tamil Nadu.
  • The Tamil Nadu government celebrates Thiruvalluvar Day annually on January 15th, showcasing his contributions and promoting his values.